A consortium of five European partners, among which Tagworks Pharmaceuticals, has secured a €6 million grant from the EU Horizon2020 program for their research action entitled In Vivo Click PET Imaging Agents: Improving clinical companion diagnostics - Click-It. Coordinator of the Click-It consortium is the University of Copenhagen and next to …
In a recent paper in the Journal of Nuclear Medicine, Tagworks, in collaboration with Austrialian biotech company Avipep, describes an alternative radioimmunotherapy strategy based on separate administration of the tumor-homing agent and a fast clearing radioactive probe. This way, the unwanted high renal retention of low-molecular weight radiometal tumor-homing agents can …
Tagworks Pharmaceuticals has received two valorization grants, €180,000 total, from NanoNextNL, the Dutch research and innovation program on nanotechnology. The grants will be used to take two of the company's core programs to the next level. One grant concerns Tagworks' antibody drug conjugate (ADC) technology and will be applied to further …
For their proposal "Click chemistry-triggered activation of Antibody-Drug Conjugates", Tagworks Pharmaceuticals and the research group of professor Paul Yazaki at the Department of Immunology, City of Hope Beckman Research Institute in Duarte, CA, were awarded a US$465,000 Breakthrough Award through the Breast Cancer Research Program (BCRP) of the US Department …
13-17 March 2016, 251st ACS National Meeting & Exposition, San Diego, CA. Tagworks CEO Marc Robillard is an invited speaker in the "Design of Radioligands and Molecular Probes"-session on 14 March 2016. More information: acs.org/national meetings
9-13 November 2015, SPIRIT Summer School "Multimodal Molecular Imaging: from high resolution in vitro towards in vivo imaging" in Göttingen, Germany. On Thursday 12 November, Tagworks CEO Marc Robillard will instruct on 'Click Chemistry'.